Home News Professions of power and powerlessness: reflections on nursing history

Professions of power and powerlessness: reflections on nursing history

Dear Members,

We are very pleased to announce the occurrence of an event entitled “Professions of Power and Powerlessness: Reflections on Nursing History.” 

This will take the form of a lecture delivered by Professor Christine Hallett, who will reflect on 30 years in nursing history. The lecture will be organised by the Royal College of Nursing and will take place on 3 October 2024 between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm in London, UK.

Christine Hallett, a leading figure in the field of nursing history and our Emeritus President, will reflect on her distinguished career in this area. She will employ the concept of power as a lens through which to analyse the nature of nursing and the dilemmas faced by those who write its history.

The event will be held in person and is open to all interested parties.

For further information, please refer to Royal College of Nursing

Best regards

EAHN Communication Officers

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