Enfermería y Cuidados Transnacionales en Contextos de Guerra (1914-1945)
Continue Reading…: Enfermería y Cuidados Transnacionales en Contextos de Guerra (1914-1945)Introducción Enfermería y cuidados. La enfermería ha jugado un papel crucial en la oferta transnacionales de cuidados en conflictos bélicos durante la primera mitad del…
Horrores cercanos. Guerra e innovación humanitaria en la España contemporánea
Continue Reading…: Horrores cercanos. Guerra e innovación humanitaria en la España contemporáneaEste libro ofrece un profundo y detallado análisis sobre la relación entre guerra, humanitarismo e innovación médica en la España contemporánea, que abarca desde mediados…
Histories of nursing practice
Continue Reading…: Histories of nursing practiceThe book contains rich case studies of nursing practice across diverse settings in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As well as examining ‘what nurses did’,…
La Grande Guerra degli infermieri italiani
Continue Reading…: La Grande Guerra degli infermieri italianiIl volume prova a ricostruire come abbiano vissuto la Grande Guerra gli infermieri, tracciando un profilo identitario di chi si trovò a prestare assistenza sui…
New publication on the history of nursing and midwifery in poor-law unions in southern Ireland
Continue Reading…: New publication on the history of nursing and midwifery in poor-law unions in southern IrelandPublished as one of six volumes under the Maynooth University Studies in Local History, Nursingand Midwifery in the poor-law unions of Borrisokane and Nenagh, 1882–1922…
Nursing and Politics in the Mirror of Time
Continue Reading…: Nursing and Politics in the Mirror of TimeA book from The Historical Nursing Research Section of the German Society for Nursing Science. “The conference proceedings of the 5th workshop of the Section…
Društvo za povijest sestrinstva “2013. – 2021.”
Continue Reading…: Društvo za povijest sestrinstva “2013. – 2021.”A new book from the Society for Nursing History of the Croatian Nurses Association (CNA) The book describes the eight-year work of the Society for…
Boekvoorstelling ‘Altijd de eerste. Zuster Jules-Marie Heymans (1897-1986). Pionier van de verpleegkunde in België’
Continue Reading…: Boekvoorstelling ‘Altijd de eerste. Zuster Jules-Marie Heymans (1897-1986). Pionier van de verpleegkunde in België’Luc De Munck (onderzoeksgroep Cultuurgeschiedenis vanaf 1750) stelt zijn boek over zuster Jules-Marie Heymans voor. Zij is vooral bekend als directrice van de ‘Universitaire Normaalschool…
25 years of regulation in nursing, 96 profiles and remarkable trajectories
Continue Reading…: 25 years of regulation in nursing, 96 profiles and remarkable trajectoriesA new book from the Portuguese Society for the History of Nursing. “By commemorating the anniversary, the opportunity and the pretext was created to highlight…