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Economic History Seminar 2024

October 7, 2024 January 13, 2025

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Seminars in Economic History at the Faculty of Business Administration of Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain

Fall 2024

October, 7th, Jörg Baten (Univ. Tübingen, CEPR and CESifo): “‘So many insights I
never believed would be possible’: New bioarchaeological and big data strategies for
long-term economic studies of the past 8,000 years.”

October, 21st, Marc Badia-Miró & Sergi Lozano (Department of Economic History,
School of Economics, Universitat de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Jordi Nadal d’Història
Econòmica), “Beyond the ‘Cobden-Chevalier network’: Effects of Preferential Trade
Agreements during the First Globalisation from a relational perspective.”

November, 4th, Mar Rubio & Joseba de la Torre (Universidad Pública de Navarra),
“The genesis of a global leader from regional politics:Wind energy in Navarra in
comparative perspective.”

November, 18th, Steve Broadberry (Oxford University), “European Business Cycles
and Economic Growth, 1300-2000 (with Jason Lennard).”

December, 2nd, Carmen Sarasúa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), “In-kind
Wages. Understanding workers’ strategies to cope with inflation and poverty.”

January, 13th, 2025, Martín Garrido (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), “The Cost of
Warmth: How Heating Costs Shaped Well-being in Pre-industrial Societies.”

Univeristat Pompeu Fabra

Carrer de la Mercè, 12, Ciutat Vella
Barcelona, Barcelona 08002 Spain
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