The First Book Series Dedicated to Nursing History and Humanities
category: NewsContinue Reading…: The First Book Series Dedicated to Nursing History and HumanitiesThe Nursing History and Humanities series is devoted both to historical approaches and humanities perspectives: work that explores nursing and health care cultures over time…
Spanish Civil War Archive Digitisation: A Landmark Project on the International Brigades
category: NewsContinue Reading…: Spanish Civil War Archive Digitisation: A Landmark Project on the International BrigadesThe Marx Memorial Library & Workers’ School (MML) has launched an ambitious 10-year project to digitise and preserve the largest Spanish Civil War archive in…
Histoires des infirmiers
category: NewsContinue Reading…: Histoires des infirmiersCycle de conférences Cycle de conférences sur l’histoire du nursingOrganisé par l’Unité de recherche sur l’histoire du nursing de l’Université d’Ottawa et le réseau Historien.nes…
Through Nursing’s Lens: The Nurse in Wartime Imagery and Photographs
category: NewsContinue Reading…: Through Nursing’s Lens: The Nurse in Wartime Imagery and PhotographsEnte organizzatore:Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of NursingUniversity of Pennsylvania School of Nursing From 13 November 2024 to the end of…
History of Nursing Research Lectures University of Ottawa
category: NewsContinue Reading…: History of Nursing Research Lectures University of OttawaDear Members, We are pleased to share with you, as an attachment, the programme for the series of lectures that the History of Nursing Research…
Presentation examining the history of the nurse practitioner role in Britain
category: NewsContinue Reading…: Presentation examining the history of the nurse practitioner role in BritainDear Members, Please be advised that a presentation examining the history of the nurse practitioner role in Britain will be held on 3 October 2024…
Professions of power and powerlessness: reflections on nursing history
category: NewsContinue Reading…: Professions of power and powerlessness: reflections on nursing historyDear Members, We are very pleased to announce the occurrence of an event entitled “Professions of Power and Powerlessness: Reflections on Nursing History.” This will…
A historical overview of nursing care in times of war and peace
category: NewsContinue Reading…: A historical overview of nursing care in times of war and peaceOn behalf of the Historical Nursing Research Section of the German Society for Nursing Science, we are pleased to extend an invitation to the upcoming…
UKAHN Colloquium 2024: University of Greenwich
category: NewsContinue Reading…: UKAHN Colloquium 2024: University of GreenwichUKAHN is pleased to announce that our annual colloquium will be held in Greenwich, UK and will be organised by Justin Stephens, Senior Lecturer (mental…
41st Annual AAHN Conference September 19-21st, 2024. Milwaukee, WI
category: NewsContinue Reading…: 41st Annual AAHN Conference September 19-21st, 2024. Milwaukee, WIRegistration Now Open!Registration is now open for the 41st Annual Nursing & Healthcare Conference on September 19th – 21st in Milwaukee, WI. Early Bird registration…