
Historical research as an instrument for the visibility of the nursing profession.

A new Hospital in Seville (Spain) named after a midwife: Rosalía Robles Cerdán (1872-1941)


Antonio Claret García Martínez (PhD in History. Professor at the University of Huelva) – Manuel Jesús García Martínez (Nurse and Midwife, PhD in Social Anthropology. Professor at the University of Seville)

Illustrationof a woman sitting on a chair, dressed in blue


The above lines serve to vindicate the figure of Midwife Rosalía Robles Cerdán as a faithful exponent of the working woman, of humble origins, who, through her efforts, was able to make her way in life and transmit to other women values that are inalienable but must be fought for to achieve and maintain. She did so throughout her life. All of this finds its best expression in the foundation of the “Official Midwives Association of Seville and its Province” in 1930 and the specialized magazine “La Matrona Hispalense” in 1929. Through these foundations, she was able to more decisively and effectively develop her life ideology and professional proposal.



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